Init Decorator

Since Injex handles circular dependencies for you, one caveat is that you can't access injectable dependencies from module class constructors. Instead, you can use the @init() decorator to run module initialization upon creation.


You use the @init() decorator by decorating a module class method to behave as the initialize method. This method is called by the Injex runtime after all the modules created and instantiated.

import { define, init } from "@injex/core";
export class Zebra extends Animal {
@inject() private logger;
private _name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this._name = name;
// `this.logger` and other injectables are not accessible
// from the constructor, so their value is `undefined`.
public initialize() {
// you can access injectables`Zebra ${this._name} created.`);


You can use multiple @init() methods when you inherit from a parent class, this way, you can benefit the auto-initialization in multiple classes.

For example:

import { define, init } from "@injex/core";
export abstract class Animal {
@inject() protected logger;
public initializeAnimal() {'Animal created.');
export class Fox extends Animal {
public initializeFox() {'Fox created.');

The initialization method invokes order is from the parent class to the inherited class, just like when you use a super() constructor.


Notice that you may return a promise from the initialization method if you like; Injex will "await" for it and return its promise from the factory method.

For example:

import { define, init, AsyncFactory } from "@injex/core";
export class Zebra extends Animal {
private _metadata: IAnimalMetadata;
public async initialize() {
this._metadata = await loadSomeData('zebra');
export class Zoo {
@inject(Zebra) zebraFactory: AsyncFactory<Zebra>;
private _animals: Animal[];
constructor() {
this._animals = [];
public async initialize() {
// zebra instance resolved when it's `@init()` method finishes loading
const zebra = await this.zebraFactory();