Getting Started

Injex is a set of npm packages under the @injex npm scope.



Injex can be installed via NPM or YARN. The first package to install is the core package; it includes the main functionality of Injex. Most of your work will be with this package.

npm install --save @injex/core

After installing the core package, you will need to install an Injex runtime. A runtime implements the functionality of loading files and modules into the Injex container. For example, the Node runtime defines the root directories for modules, while the Webpack/Vite runtimes defines the context for modules.

If you're working on a server-side project, install the Node runtime:

npm install --save @injex/node

If your project is a client-side project with Webpack/Vite bundlers, install the relevant runtime:

npm install --save @injex/webpack


npm install --save @injex/vite

When working on a hybrid application (server and client), you can install more than one runtime.

Read on to learn more about Injex runtimes and how to create a container on each one of them.