Here is a list of examples and instructions to run them. All examples exist inside Injex's GitHub repository under the examples/
First, clone the repository to your local machine
After the clone is done, run the following commands:
When done, go to the example folder you want to run.
Node runtime example
Example of how to create and use the Node runtime.
Webpack runtime example
Example of how to create and use the Webpack runtime.
Then open http://localhost:3005 in your browser
Vite runtime example
Example of how to create and use the Vite runtime.
Then open http://localhost:5173 in your browser
Express plugin example
Example of how to create and use the Node runtime with the Express Plugin.
React plugin example
A chat application using Injex React Plugin with Injex Webpack runtime.
Then open http://localhost:3006 in your browser
You can test a live demo of the chat application at https://chat.injex.dev