Ready Decorator

Using the @ready() decorator on a module method, invokes that method after the container bootstrap is complete.

As an example, when using the @init() decorator on a method, the method invokes as part of the container bootstrap. The @ready() decorator is for cases where you want to invoke a method when all modules initialization has complete.


You use the @ready() decorator by decorating a module class method. This method is called by the Injex runtime after all the modules initialized and the bootstrap process has been complete.

import { define, ready } from "@injex/core";
export class Zebra extends Animal {
public initialize() {
// container bootstrap complete and all modules initialized.

Bootstrap complete syntactic sugar

The @ready() decorator is a syntactic sugar to hooking a module method into the container bootstrapComplete hook.

For example:

import { define, init } from "@injex/core";
export class Animal {
@inject() private $injex: Injex;
private _initialize() {
this.$injex.hooks.bootstrapComplete.tap(this._onReady, null, this);
private _onReady() {
// bootstrap complete.

With @ready() decorator:

import { define, ready } from "@injex/core";
export class Animal {
private _onReady() {
// bootstrap complete.


You can use multiple @ready() methods when you inherit from a parent class.

For example:

import { define, ready } from "@injex/core";
export abstract class Animal {
@inject() protected logger;
public onAnimalReady() {'Animal is ready.');
export class Fox extends Animal {
public onFoxReady() {'Fox is ready.');